Travel and Transport
Transport allocation for 2022-2023
West Sussex Transport allocation and Surrey Transport allocation will be contacting eligible families of students new to Year 7, and also new students to the school in other year groups, over the 2022 summer holidays with details of the bus service that has been allocated. If for any reason you have not been contacted by the relevant transport teams by 17th August 2022, please contact them directly on the following numbers:
West Sussex - 01243 753530
Surrey – 0300 200 1004
All existing school bus students remain on their current services for 2022-2023 unless they are contacted by West Sussex or Surrey to advise otherwise.
Please note, if you move house during the holidays, please contact the relevant number above to ensure the correct allocation takes place, particularly if you no longer require transport.
The majority of Crawley Down students who are in Years 10 and 11 do not qualify for free transport and you will need to upload a season ticket for Metrobus by using the app. Please see the Metrobus website or visit the Travel Shop in Crawley (near Boots in County Mall).
Metrobus offer a student discount of 25% off adult fares when buying Metrovoyager tickets, Crawley Metroriders and Horsham Metrorider tickets. They have a child discount of 50% off adult fares. For more information phone 01293 449191.
Travel West Sussex
Travelwestsussex.co.uk is a website that helps you plan journeys and compare different travel options. Just enter your start and finish locations and Travel West Sussex will tell you how to get to your destination by bus, rail, bycicle, car and on foot. It will compare estimated journey times, carbon emissions and calories burned for each mode of transport, enabling you to select the best option for your trip. Please use the link at the bottom of the page to start planning your journey.
School Travel Plan
If you have any particular concerns or queries about travel and transport our school transport manager is Mrs S Cook. She can be contacted via email at scook [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Assistance for Students Entitled to Free School Meals'
If a student is entitled to free school meals and lives within 2 miles of the school, they may be eligible for free school transport. Parents/Carers should complete the West Sussex County Council form found by following this link
Sixth Form Students
Please use the link below for information from West Sussex County Council about support/concessions on public transport or dedicated school buses for Sixth Form students.