Ofsted and Key Information
'Strong relationships throughout the school that build trust and confidence' and 'a harmonious atmosphere that makes pupils’ feel safe and secure'
'Pupils treat each other with tolerance and respect'
The inspection team also highlighted 'Teachers’ excellent subject knowledge' and 'pupils’ highly positive attitudes to learning'
Ofsted 2019
Ofsted - the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills - is a non-ministerial government department responsible for inspecting and regulating services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
As a maintained school, Imberhorne is subject to regular Ofsted inspections. The reports produced by Ofsted following our last three inspections may be viewed below.
Inspections are carried out at random intervals, our latest inspection being in October 2024 when our effectiveness was judged to be 'GOOD'.
Asset Management
To enable us to perform our day to day activities we own a large number of assets, Everything from chairs and tables to the latest digital technologies. We maintain an Asset Register to allow us to keep track of these items, and to allow us to plan for refreshing the assets periodically. Each year we perform an asset audit to ensure that we know the whereabouts of all our assets, the results of this audit receives scrutiny from our Governing Body and are available for staff to cross-reference.
Individual Earnings > £100,000
March 2024: We have one member of staff who earnings are in excess of £100,000 per annum at Imberhorne School