Imberhorne Canteen
The Imberhorne Canteen is run in-house by our dedicated catering staff - this ensures that we are able to offer quality food at the very best value.
The canteen is open:
- before school from 8.15am until 8.35am for breakfast
- at break time for hot and cold snacks
- at lunch time for hot meals, snacks, salads, and baguettes/sandwiches.
We operate a Cashless Catering system in our canteens - parents add credit to their child's Cashless Catering account online via ParentPay and students use their school ID card to access these funds in the canteen. If students forget or lose their card their Pastoral office will issue a temporary PIN which will allow them to access their canteen account.
Our canteens serve a variety of food – the breaktime offering is more snack based, whilst full hot meals are available at lunchtime. All food is available on a turn-up and buy basis, however we also offer the option of pre-ordering lunchtime hot meals via the Fusion Online app to offer the certainty that your preferred meal is available. The Fusion Online pre-order app or website can be found at https://fusion.crbcunninghams.co.uk In order to register for Fusion Online, students will require a unique “onboarding code”. Should you be unable to locate your onboarding code please contact our IT Support team via itsupport [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Our daily and termly changing menus may be found below - the same selection is available at both Windmill Lane and Imberhorne Lane.
My child has lost or damaged their ID/Cashless Catering Card!
Students can request a replacement ID cards by visiting their Pastoral Office, or parents may request a new card by e-mailing our IT Support Team via itsupport [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
We make a £2.00 charge to cover the cost of the replacement card which will be added to ParentPay, unless the card has stopped working through no fault of the student.
If students don't have their card with them they will need to visit their Pastoral Office to request a temporary PIN to access their Cashless Catering account - the canteen staff are unable to serve students who arrive at a till with neither a card nor a PIN number.
Is there a limit to how much my child can spend?
We set a default "Daily Spend Limit" of £6.00 for Key Stage 3 and 4 Students (Years 7-11) and £11.00 for Sixth Form Students (Years 12 & 13) - this means that no more than this amount can be spent each day.
If you would like to alter this (either upwards or downwards) please contact our Finance Department at finance [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Does my child qualify for Free School Meals?
We encourage the take up of Free School Meals by working proactively with our parents and carers. If, through your financial circumstances, you feel your son/daughter may be entitled to free school meals, please either click here to complete the online form or complete the paper application form and submit it to West Sussex County Council. The criteria for eligibility are included below. If you require any assistance with printing, completing or submiting the application form, please contact Mrs S Evans sevans [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk or via our switchboard on 01342 323562.
Students who qualify for Free School Meals receive a daily allowance of £2.60 which is automatically added to their Cashless Catering account each morning. Any purchases are deducted from this allowance first, with any spend above £2.60 being taken off any paid credit on their Cashless Catering account. The allowance doesn't rollover - any unspent allowance is cleared at the end of each day. The Free School Meal allowance can be spent on any canteen purchases at either break or lunch time,
If a student is entitled to free school meals and lives within 2 miles of the school, they may be eligible for free school transport. Parents/Carers should complete the West Sussex County Council form found by following this link