Vasa Concert 7th March 2012

Swedish Music Students from Vasakolan Gavle visited Imberhorne between  5th  -  9 th March.After last year’s exciting venture we continued the link with the Swedish Music college and the Imberhorne Music department for a week of musical activities, culminating in a showcase concert at the Jubilee Centre on 7th March.Thirty KS3 singers worked with the Swedes to put together a performance of a traditional Swedish song 'Här kommer Pippi Långstrump'. This is a song about the children’s story book character Pippi Longstocking. The students learnt the music in just a day and also learnt to sing the Swedish vocals.   The concert also featured the Imberhorne Jazz Band, Year10 and Year11 GCSE Music ensembles, as well as performances from KS5 students. This complimented some excellent performances from the Vasaskolan students, who entertained the audience with a range of music, including a nod to their native land with some popular Swedish songs.