UKMT Maths Team Challenge - 16th November 2011

On Wednesday 16th November, four intrepid sixth form students accompanied Mr Hall and Miss Keen to a mathematics competition held at Ravenswood School, Bromley.  The competition was held in Ravenswood’s new canteen where a school flag had been prepared for us, some sweets to keep us going, and some pens which were a keepsake.  As we arrived one of Ravenswood’s students played the grand piano to set the atmosphere nicely.  This is a national competition - over 1000 schools enter teams - and Ravenswood was a regional final so we were competing against some very clever teams. Counting comprehensive schools, Imberhorne were 6th out of 15, which is an improvement on last year, though we would like to have done a lot better.  Watch this space for 2012.........