'TRASH' 21st March 2012

The 6th annual Imberhorne 'Trash' extravaganza was held on 21st March at the Jubilee Centre and it was nothing short of spectacular.'Trash' is our chance to raise awareness of current issues in the textile supply chain. Before the event an organisation called TRAID visited the students to talk about exploitation in the textile industry and also what TRAID do as an organisation.On the night, the audience were treated to 3 fantastic dance acts, a Key Stage 3 band performance and 3 drama performances focusing on exploitation in the global textile chain.  The second half of the evening was the catwalk fashion show and showcased many tremendous homemade and recycled outfits including crisp packet dresses, bottle lid jackets and cola can hats.The evening raised a staggering £1221.00.  Roughly 10% of profits will go to a charity which will be decided by the eco-committee and will be environmentally based.  The remainder will go towards improving the school environment. That is, buying more water butts to conserve water, setting up a Year 7 sunflower growing competition and redesigning the school pond at Windmill Lane.