Le Foot et le francais at Arsenal

On Wednesday 4th March a group of seven Yr 7 and 8 boys took part in a French language activity and football day at Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium. The students have been attending Arsenal’s Double Club at Imberhorne since September which has involved alternating French language activities one week followed by a training session the next. Many thanks to Sixth Former, Samantha Woodhouse for delivering the football coaching. The students had visited Arsenal’s Museum, a tour of the changing rooms and media suite; completed two French language activities as well as being able to run down the tunnel and sit on Arsene Wenger’s seat pitch-side! The boys were presented with medals, t-shirts and a football as part of the Double Club. We will be running the club again in the summer term with hopefully more students involved – the club is for both boys and girls so please come along and you could also be visiting the Emirates – maybe you’ll be able to see the Champions League Cup in June in the museum!Many thanks also to Mrs Murray and Mr Celani for helping organising the Club and the trip.Mr F.Murray