Christmas Charity and Cheer

December was quite a month for charity activity at Imberhorne. Every month is really, but the Christmas period added an extra sparkle!

During the last week of term, our Eco Committee hold Fairtrade Christmas Fairs at lunch times for Key Stage 3. A total of £554.45 worth of chocolate and gifts were sold to support the Fairtrade organisations around the world.

The school held it's first, whole student body Christmas Jumper Day, raising a phenomenal £1652 for the Queen Victoria Hospital - our older Sixth Form students leading the way in actually wearing their Christmas Jumpers! 8S brought a tear to their form tutor's eye on the day as a group of the students in this form had organised a bake sale, all by themselves, in order to try and raise more money for the new children’s play equipment at QVH. We are so proud of these kind gestures that are displayed. They show just how considerate and selfless Imberhorne students are.

Last and by no means least, on Monday 16th, our Year 9 support students held a Christmas party, which they planned and organised, for residents at Young Epilepsy. A huge thank you to Martell’s for donating presents for the party, and to all the parents, staff and students who donated money and food to help fund the festivities. It's an amazing annual event for both our students and the students at Young Epilepsy and a partnership we really enjoy.